
Supporting Student Participation

ABN: 98 174 663 341

Contents of Recent Issues of Connect
Student Councils and Beyond | Student Action Teams | Reaching High | Switched On to Learning | Democracy Starts Here

Connect is a bi-monthly magazine supporting active student participation - in governance and curriculum areas - in primary and secondary schools throughout Australia. It also produces a series of small books about student participatory approaches - in SRCs and JSCs and in classrooms.

Connect has been produced since late 1979; it celebrated its 33rd anniversary at the end of 2012! Back issues of Connect are available for download here.


Connect subscriptions and publications are available from:

12 Brooke Street
Northcote 3070

Connect is available on-line for free from June 2013.

Simply send your e-mail address to Connect and request addition to the e-mail subscription list. There is no cost for subscription, however donations to assist the work of Connect are much appreciated.

ABN: 98 174 663 341

For further information, contact Connect on (+613) 9489 9052;
or e-mail:

Connect Publications

Connect has now produced five books, all of which are available from us:

Switched On to Learning: Student Initiatives in School Engagement (2009): $5

Reaching High: Promoting Positive Approaches to Learning Differences (2007): $30 (or $25 for Connect subscribers)

Student Action Teams: Implementing Productive Practices in Classrooms (2006): $30 (or $25 for Connect subscribers)

Student Councils and Beyond: Student as Effective Participants in Decision-Making (2005): $30 (or $25 for Connect subscribers)

Democracy Starts Here!: Junior School Councils at Work (1996): $6 or $10 for two copies

Order these publications from:

12 Brooke Street
Northcote 3070

Note: Outside Australia: add A$5 per publication for postage. (No GST: Connect is input taxed.)

Payment by cheque or money order; for direct transfer of funds, contact us (see below).

ABN: 98 174 663 341

Connect Archives

Back copies of Connect are available on-line for FREE through a partnership with the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). All back copies are currently available here.

For further information, contact Connect on (+613) 9489 9052 or e-mail: